While I was on the trip my site and its backups were corrupted. The experience with the hosting company ended my relationship with them. They seemed to have been the cause of the issue, and clueless about how to fix it. After I got back home, I spent several months recreating the posts that were lost and all is well again. I’m leaving this post here as a reminder of that extra work and to take proactive steps to avoid a repeat.

I’m searching for email copies of 9 specific posts from last year prior to the crash.

I am particularly interested in finding the first two, because they are next in line.

  1. Finally a Grizzly?
  2. Yellowstone (2 of 5) – The Tour
  3. Pardon Me, Just Passing Through
  4. Nova Scotia – Cabot Trail
  5. Eclipse over Newfoundland
  6. Philadelphia
  7. Washington DC
  8. George Washington’s Mount Vernon
  9. Shenandoah National Park

If you have any of these, please forward to Frank@OneLongDrive.com.

I’ve managed to recover about 40 others thanks to family members.

Here’s the list of remaining posts to be recreated as I think it stands (not in bold I have an email from before the crash with the text of the post)

  1. >>>Missing: Finally, a Grizzly?
  2. Yellowstone (1 of 5) – Old Faithful
  3. >>>Missing: Yellowstone (2 of 5) “The Tour”
  4. Yellowstone (3 of 5) – The Birds
  5. Yellowstone (4 of 5) – Bison
  6. Yellowstone (5 of 5) – Other Animals
  7. 150K Miles on the Jeep
  8. Powder River Pass
  9. Devil’s Tower
  10. Mount Rushmore
  11. Iron Mountain
  12. Wind Cave NP
  13. Needles
  14. Fort Pierre National Grassland
  15. Where the Lakes Meet
  16. Rolling Past Home
  17. A Taste of Pittsburgh
  18. Watkins Glen
  19. >>>Missing: Pardon Me, Just Passing Through
  20. Prince Edward Island
  21. >>>Missing: Nova Scotia – Cabot Trail
  22. Green Gables “Such Scope for Imagination”
  23. Newfoundland Ferry
  24. First To See The Sun!
  25. Cape Spear Newfoundland
  26. Newfoundland Gros Morne NP – One
  27. Gros Morne – Tablelands
  28. The Northern Night
  29. >>>Missing: Eclipse over Newfoundland
  30. Heading South with the Birds
  31. Acadia National Park
  32. Boston
  33. Gillette Castle
  34. Mystic Seaport
  35. New London (Ferry, Fort Trumbull, Beaches),
  36. Statue of Liberty
  37. >>>Missing: Philadelphia,
  38. >>>Missing: Washington DC
  39. >>>Missing: Mount Vernon
  40. Gettysburg
  41. >>>Missing: Shenandoah NP/Skyline drive
  42. Kitty Hawk
  43. Disney, Universal
  44. Florida Keys
  45. Everglades (1 of 3) – Flamingo Area
  46. Everglades (2 of 3) – Everglades City Area
  47. Everglades (3 of 3) – Shark Valley
  48. Big Cypress
  49. Crystal River Paddle
  50. Homosassa Wildlife Park

After this I have posts primarily in the Southwest to create from scratch.